Ba al dakizu LED ispiluaren lan printzipioa


LED ispiluakLED argien bidez argia igor dezaketen ispiluak aipatzea. LED makillaje ispilu batzuk,Bainugelako LED ispiluaS, eta tuneleko ispiluei LED ispilu argiak edo ispilu argiak ere deitu dakieke laburki. Beste izen arruntago bat ere baduBainugelako LED ispiluaedo LED ispilua. LED argi isurtzaileen bi mota nagusi daude: bata kanpotik ikus daitekeen LED argi zerrenda duen ispilua da, eta bestea ezkutuko LED argi zerrenda duen ispilua. Haien arteko desberdintasuna LED zerrenda ikus daitekeen ala ez da, eta banda ikusi ezin duena ezkutatutako LED zerrendaren ispilua da.

Gaur egun, gehienakLED makillaje ispiluakon the market are mirrors with hidden LED light strips, and the light strips are well hidden through the design, which looks more beautiful. The Bainugelako LED ispilua is both.
Compared with ordinary mirrors, LED ispiluak have a light-emitting function, so they can be illuminated more clearly. Some LED ispiluak also have the function of a magnifying glass. Can better facilitate daily use such as shaving beard.
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